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Staff - Mason Williams' Profile

Standard Background

Name: Mason Williams
Age: 26
Occupation: Martial Arts Instructor and Substitute History Teacher
SC Position: columnist
Location: Los Angeles, California, United States

More Information

Web Site: none
Favorite Quote: "Freedom is a path seldom travelled by the multitude." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Favorite Web Sites: FightNews.com, ESPN.com, and Google
Favorite Sport: boxing
Favorite Athlete: Marcus Allen

Mason Williams has a Bachelor's Degree from UC Berkeley in sociology with and emphasis on the role of sport in society. He has studied Taekwondo, Hapkido, and boxing since the age of five. Mason was a national level competitor in Taekwondo during college, and was invited to the Olympic Trials in 1996.

In addition, Mason has written a quarterly martial arts newsletter for the World United Martial Arts Organization He have also written several letters to editors in sports magazines and the Los Angeles Times.

Mason can be reached at [email protected].

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