ADHD Power Hour: Beauty Edition

So I've been kind of a funk. I've got a bad neck, terrible allergies, and I don't like my job very much. I lost a bunch of weight and now it's coming back on. I stopped smoking, then started again. There's drama with some of my friends and my daughter is at the age where tears and screaming are a negotiating tactic. I just moved and now I'm broke.

In the past, I would get down and feel sorry for myself with little recourse. I would start writing poems about the futility of corporate loyalty, shave my head and maybe get another tattoo.

But not now. I've learned a new way, part faith, part love. When I start getting down, I do three things.

First, I thank God for what I do have. I love my family and, as far as health problems go, I'll take allergies over cancer any day.

Then I wish well to all those who I know are much worse off. I start with the families of those in the military, those killed, those injured, those missing, and those who face each one of those threats every day. Then I go to those in poor health, especially children. I can't imagine having to watch my child go through chemo or dialysis or suffer through something like Cerebral Palsy, Cystic Fibrosis, or Muscular Dystrophy. To the military families and the parents of these children, I pray you all receive the happy ending you desperately need.

Finally, I look to the good around me. I look for the things I love in this world, the beauty that surrounds us each day. It doesn't have to be monumental or of worldwide significance. Look around you. I guarantee it's there.

And that's why sports matter so much. No matter what time of year, sports, and the athletes who dedicate their lives to the competition, provide us with dozens of examples each day of the good in the world. So instead of my normal cynicism and mildly clever jabs against the world, here are 30 things I love about sports, the moments that draw us all back for more.

In no particular order:

A perfectly thrown bomb for a touchdown

The tears of an Olympic champion seeing his or her flag raised while the national anthem plays

A parking lot packed with tail-gaiters six hours before kick-off

Student sections

An NCAA tournament bracket just after the Sunday Selection Show

A crisp 12-to-6 curve

A super-slow-motion replay of a perfectly-placed knockout punch

The anguish of a team just defeated by a buzzer beater

Champagne celebrations

Soccer goals

A perfect golf shot

A crossover that leaves the defender on his ass

A racehorse at full speed



Backhanding a ball in the hole and firing to first

Glove saves

Diving in any sport

A scrum

Light rain during a summer night baseball game

A ballpark dog with ketchup, mustard, relish, and onions


Post-game hugs on senior night

A completely calm lake at dawn

A throw jump in pairs figure skating

The Star Spangled Banner

The vert ramp

Fresh powder

The line of scrimmage

I know I've gone way off the reservation with this column. And I fully expect I will be hearing about this for some time. You just can't go writing columns about beautiful things and not expect to get called some names. (And the fact that I included an ice skating reference will only make it worse. Sorry. Those jumps are cool.)

But at least I feel better. I hope you do, too.

God bless.

Seth Doria is a freelance writer and blogger in St. Louis. For more news, notes, observations, and mean comments about Sidney Ponson and Jeff Weaver, please visit The Left Calf.

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